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SDK Command Line InterfaceΒΆ

Logfire comes with a CLI used for authentication and project management:

usage: logfire [-h] [--version]  ...

The CLI for Pydantic Logfire.

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --version   show the version and exit


    auth      Authenticate with Logfire.
    clean     Remove the contents of the Logfire data directory.
    inspect   Inspect installed packages and recommend packages that might be
    whoami    Show user authenticated username and the URL to your Logfire
    projects  Project management for Logfire.
    info      Show versions of logfire, OS and related packages.

See for more detailed

Authentication (auth)ΒΆ

You need to be authenticated to use the Logfire.


Read the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy if you want to know how we handle your data. πŸ€“

To authenticate yourself, run the auth command in the terminal:

logfire auth

Terminal screenshot with Logfire auth command

After pressing "Enter", you will be redirected to the browser to log in to your account.

Browser screenshot with Logfire login page

Then, if you go back to the terminal, you'll see that you are authenticated! πŸŽ‰

Terminal screenshot with successful authentication

Clean (clean)ΒΆ

To clean most the files created by Logfire, run the following command:

logfire clean

The clean command doesn't remove the logs, and the authentication information stored in the ~/.logfire directory.

To also remove the logs, you can run the following command:

logfire clean --logs

Inspect (inspect)ΒΆ

The inspect command is used to identify the missing OpenTelemetry instrumentation packages in your project.

To inspect your project, run the following command:

logfire inspect

This will output the projects you need to install to have optimal OpenTelemetry instrumentation.

Terminal screenshot with Logfire inspect command

Who Am I (whoami)ΒΆ

🚧 Work in Progress 🚧

This section is yet to be written, contact us if you have any questions.


List (projects list)ΒΆ

To check the projects you have access to, run the following command:

logfire projects list

You'll see something like this:

❯ logfire projects list
┃ Organization ┃ Project        ┃
β”‚ Kludex       β”‚ backend        β”‚
β”‚ Kludex       β”‚ worker         β”‚

Use (projects use)ΒΆ

To use an already created project, run the following command:

logfire projects use <project-name>

For example, to use the backend project, you can run:

logfire projects use backend

Create (projects new)ΒΆ

To create a new project, run the following command:

logfire projects new <project-name>

Follow the instructions, and you'll have a new project created in no time! πŸ₯³